Public Schools
November 2024 Bond
Property Tax Impact for a $9,750,000 Bond
The bond levy is projected to be 10.5 cents per $100 of taxable valuation. This projected levy impact is based on current valuations. Increased valuations will result in a lower tax levy.
All numbers include principal and interest calculated over the 20-year life of the bond.
Bonds can be re-funded after five years if market conditions (rates) improve.
District residents will automatically receive school district tax credit (around 30%) without filing for it on your tax return as a result of LB34. While this tax credit does not apply to bond tax, it does provide automatic credits on your property tax statement for your property taxes paid. The Unicameral approved LB34 in August 2024.

*Ag land assessed at 50% of market value per statute.
**The chart above uses the highest assessed value per acre within the district’s three counties.
Tax Calculators
Monthly Tax Increase:
Yearly Tax Increase:
Enter assessed value. The calculator will convert to 50% of market value per statute.
Monthly Tax Increase:
Yearly Tax Increase:
Enrollment Trends

Enrollment by the Numbers
2016-17: 241
2017-18: 239
2018-19: 232
2019-20: 249
2020-21: 248
2021-22: 253
2022-23: 256
2023-24: 254
2024-25: 262
Projected 2025-26: 267
Projected 2026-27: 271
Projected 2027-28: 271
Projected 2028-29: 268
Financial Comparisons to Other Districts
Fiscal Year 2023-24
Public Information Meeting Highlighting the Community Building Committee's Recommendation to the Board of Education